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kountrybeauty Profilové údaje

Sassy but Sweet
Věk 40 z Sandy Hook, Mississippi - Online - Před 2 týdny
Žena Hledám A Muž


Sebe bych popsal(a) jako  
As far as me, I would describe my self as: patient, kind, loyal, honest, fierce, soft hearted, mean, intelligent, mindful, warm, compassionate, friendly, outgoing, an extrovert, faithful, devoted, affectionate, fretful, easy, fruitful, wise, sassy and all around a woman of many great ambitions. I am a very sweet country girl that is looking for the right guy to go out and have a fun but elegant night. Someone that's charming and that I don't have to support all the time. I am tired of the same old type of guy that acts as the world evolves around them. I am searching for a mature, sweet, home bound guy that can treat a woman with all due respect. I want to be able to gain a relationship that involves trust, love, caring, giving, responsibility, and patience. Getting to know a person is the correct way to being a long lasting friendship type relationship. I know that there are truly so honest good men still left in the world today and there's one for me. I believe that the fact that I am a woman does not make me a different kind of Christian, but the fact that I am a Christian makes me a different kind of woman. Who can find a virtuous capable woman? She is worth more that precious rubies. I am young but I don?t club hop or do crazy things. I do love to have fun though I enjoy the outdoors: fishing, swimming, shopping, sight seeing, traveling, movies, dinner parties, parks, lakes, as well as the indoors: cooking, cuddling, talking, TV, and everything that?s soothing to the mind and body. I do work hard and I am proud of my many accomplishments that I have succeeded at in the past. I have been through a lot over the past few years in my relationship, and im just looking for that special someone who is honest, trustworthy, and just a down to earth loving person. I HATE cheaters. I want to be loved, and I want to give love. Im not into playing games with a person's heart, because I don't want mine broken either. Life is to short to play with a person's emotions. I want someone that I can sit down with at the end of the day and ask How was your day?? and just that one on one quality time together as a couple, in a loving and committed relationship. Im just a laid back person not into bar hopping, but putting all of my energy into my relationship and my family. I am so tired of the games that people play. I feel that love should come from the heart, because we have taken time to get to know one another, and built that love, trust, and openness that so many relationships lack. I want a mature person that knows what it really takes to keep a healthy relationship going, through good, and bad times, and when you love someone, love them deeply, and passionately, and finally when you say you I Love You.?and mean it.

Vzhled a situace

Má postava je  
Má výška je  
1,6 m
Barva mých očí  
Můj původ je  
Můj rodinný stav je  
Nikdy jsem nebyl ženatý nebo vdaná
Mám děti  
Chci děti  
Mou nejlepší částí je  
Body Art  
Piercing...ale pouze na uších
Barva mých vlasů  
Tmavě hnědá
Mám jedno nebo více z uvedených  
Ochotný/ochotná se přestěhovat  


Má úroveň vzdělání je  
Nějaká výška
Můj současný stav zaměstnání je  
Mé zaměření je  
Prodej / Marketing
Název mého zaměstnání je  
Assistant Manager
To si vydělám za rok  
$15,000USD až $29,999USD
S rodiči
Někdy je to tu trochu blázinec
Jsem kuřák  
Ano - ve společnosti


Na střední škole jsem byl/a  
Mé společenské chování je  
Plaché, Přátelská osoba, Otevřené
Mé zájmy a koníčky jsou  
Vzdělávání, Hudba, Filmy, Internet, Hry, Rodina, Stravování, Fotografování, Náboženství / spiritualita, Cestování, Vaření, Rybaření, Hraní karet, Gambling, Dobrovolnictví
Má představa skvěle stráveného času je  
Potloukat se s přáteli, Jít nakupovat, Vyzkoušet nové věci, Filmy, Relax, Jít do kasina, Jít do muzea
Ideální první rande by bylo  
Arriving at my door with a nice hello to pick me up. Heading out for a dinner date and then chat while strolling the beach, park, or a tourist spot.
Vždy jsem chtěl/a vyzkoušet  
anythign thats safe and fun.
Moji přátelé mě popisují jako  
Přátelská osoba, Někdo, kým by chtěli být, V pohodě, Perfektní, Flirtující


Mé náboženství je  
Navštěvuji bohoslužby  
Jednou týdně
Můj životní cíl je  
to live my life to the fullust and bring others to Christ on my Journey!
Můj smysl humoru je  
Chytrý, Přátelská osoba


V TV vždy sleduji  
Dokumenty, Drama, Filmy, Reality Show
Když se dívám na filmy, vždy sleduji  
Komedie, Romantika, Drama, Dokumentární, Rodina, Pro dospělé
Když poslouchám hudbu, pak vždy poslouchám  
Country, Rap, Blues, Soul, Gospel
Když čtu, tak nejraději čtu  
Autobiografie, Biografie, Domov a zahrada, Poezie, Náboženské
Má představa zábavy je  
Fun itself, going out, traveling, shopping, ang hanging out safely. No clubs, bars or where trouble can being.


Co považuješ za atraktivní?  
Inteligenci, Dobrý vzhled, Humor, Skvělé dovednosti, Empatii, Citlivost, Troufalost, Spontánnost, Peníze, Moc, Koketnost, Důvtip, Ohleduplnost, Netečnost
Co hledáš?  
I am searching for a mature, sweet, home bound guy that can treat a woman with all due respect. I want to be able to gain a relationship that involves trust, love, caring, giving, responsibility, and patience. Getting to know a person is the correct way to being a long lasting friendship type relationship. I know that there are truly so honest good men still left in the world today and there's one for me. I feel that love should come from the heart, because we have taken time to get to know one another, and built that love, trust, and openness that so many relationships lack.
Jaký typ vztahu hledáš?  
Internetový kamarád(ka), Přítel, Partner na randění, Intimní, Odevzdaný/á